========================== Intro Section ============================-->

We are a catalyst for Crop Insurance Life Cycle,
directly providing input to All Stakeholders,
to speedup Payouts to Farmers precisely,
backed by robust Smart Decision Framework.

Let's meet at Kisan 2019 11-15 December 2019, Pune

About Us

Amazing Aerial Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

(Agri-India: Agriculture division) is Startup India entrepreneur initiative to build Agri-Technology solutions using Advance Remote Sensing Techniques. Our objectives are to develop an integrated approach for Estimating Crop Yield at village/gram panchayat level using Innovative Remote Sensing Techniques; and validation of Innovative Technology driven Crop Yield using actual Yield obtained from Supervised Crop Cutting experiment data.

  • Started with varied engineering backgrounds, collectively having 125+ years of experience in Insurance Survey & Loss assessment, Land & Revenue operations, and IT implementation systems.
  • Experts from Remote Sensing Technology and Hydrographic science are on our board.
  • RAW data processing Software, Analytics and Advance Reports Generation Software, inventory of Multispectral sensors, Techno-aware ground force etc. are with us.



Amazing Aerial Solution is actively working on designing Agri-Technology Solutions, which helps Farmers and other stakeholders to use for increasing their agricultural income and efficiency.